TNRF’s mission is to bring together diverse stakeholders and improve communication and understanding between them to secure consensus and better management of natural resources so that people are able to make a living and the resources are protected and made sustainable.
The statement describes the evolution of the climate systems and outlook for the October to December, 2019 rainfall season, advisories and early warnings to various weather sensitive sectors including Agriculture..........Download here
Maajabu Unit
This unit aims to produce films that help communities share their voices and opinions on issues regarding governance of natural resources. View TNRF-Maajabu films here
Tanzanian policy makers have an opportunity to spearhead the implementation of the country’s industrialisation agenda through integrated and people-centered land-based investments.....Read More
After the implementation of BMZ Climate Facility Project activities in Longido district by Tanzania Natural Resources Forum (TNRF) partnering with WWF in Enduimet Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and Lake Natron Ecosystem, The District Commissioner (DC) Mr. Nurdin Babu and the District Executive Director (DED) Mr. Stephen Ulaya together with district security officials, experts, TNRF as well as WWF staff had an opportunity of inspecting 27 different projects supported under BMZ facilty project in Enduimet WMA and Lake Natron ecosystem. The visit was done on 30th and 31st August 2021 to ensure completion and sustainability of the investments beyond the project period. A total of 9 sites with different projects were visited including beehives, predator proof bomas, water tanks, modern stoves (majiko banifu), beehive fence, hostel renovation, construction of office block and information center (ongoing) for Enduimet WMA.
The Secretariat of TNRF is honored to inform it’s members about the coming Annual General Meeting (AGM) that will be held early October, 2021; the date, location, documents and time will be communicated latter.
The ongoing COVID -19 pandemic has affected all sectors worldwide including the natural resources that the forum is working on in Tanzania. TNRF is regretful about the situation at all levels, however encourage each member/individual to adapt and see how to begin with new strategies that will have positive contribution to natural resources management, conservation and tourism sector.
Submitted by Website Officer on 20 July 2021 - 11:35am
Provision of consultancy services to support capacity building and trainings of communities in Enduimet WMA and Lake Natron Ecosystem on pasture and holistic rangelands management.
Position: Consultant
Start Date: 06th July, 2021
End Date: 23rd July, 2021
Assessment Area: Northern Tanzania Enduimet WMA and Lake Natron Ecosystem
Reporting To: TNRF Executive Director through BMZ Project Lead at TNRF
Project Name: Protection of key ecosystems, increased resilience and adaptation for their sustainable use by local communities in southeast Africa
Longido district has a total area of 6392.35 km of which over 80% is grazing land; it is a semi-arid with majority of the inhabitants are livestock keepers. Grazing resources has been a key challenge to livestock production systems and even wildlife for sustainable livelihoods.