
Categorizes a content around Tanzania, generally within the East Africa region.

Program Officer


PROGRAM OFFICER: Asset Building and Community Development Program, Natural Assets, East Africa


Environmental Education course for Natural Resource Management/ Agriculture/ Environment/ Water Management Practitioners


Applications are invited from practitioners working in the fields of biodiversity management, NRM, agriculture, health, water management, land management, forestry, fisheries, wildlife and environment sectors for an environmental education course.

The goal of the course is to help NR Managers develop a better understanding of integrating environmental learning into their respective workplace activities.

More specifically the course will seek to:

5-day Teacher Educators’ course


The SADC REEP is running a five day EE/ESD Course for experienced Teacher Educators from teacher training colleges from 29th June - 4th July 2009, at Umgeni Valley, in Howick, RSA. The course among other outcomes seeks to

Meeting for an ecological impact assessment of cross-border pastoralist migration

Some partners of the Pastoralism and Livelihoods Task Force will participate in a preliminary analysis of an applied study on the ecological impact of cross-border migration of pastoralists from northern Tanzania and southern Kenya. The study was commissioned by the Eastern African Environmental Network and was carried out jointly by several local organizations. For more information on the study please contact Daniel Ouma, Programme Officer for Pastoralism and Livelihoods at

2 May 2009 - 4:00am to 3 May 2009 - 1:00pm


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