Environmental Education course for Natural Resource Management/ Agriculture/ Environment/ Water Management Practitioners

SADC Regional Environmental Education Programme
14 June 2009

Applications are invited from practitioners working in the fields of biodiversity management, NRM, agriculture, health, water management, land management, forestry, fisheries, wildlife and environment sectors for an environmental education course.

The goal of the course is to help NR Managers develop a better understanding of integrating environmental learning into their respective workplace activities.

More specifically the course will seek to:

  1. Address how education can strengthen the NRM priorities in the SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (SADC RISDP) and key NRM protocols relevant to SADC;
  2. Critically review environmental issues of regional concern (e.g. climate change and water shortages) as a way to contextualise their work;
  3. Share effective adult learning models and good practise in facilitating NRM in communities;
  4. Facilitate the effective sharing of participants' experiences in NRM education and training, and address some of the issues they may be facing; and
  5. Challenge participants to work reflexively in their respective workplaces.

More importantly, the learning itself will be situated in the participants' contexts, as well as facilitate horizontal learning among them. As such, successful candidates will be asked to prepare case studies on their work in NRM education and training ahead of the workshop. The case studies will be shared during the course. In addition successful candidates will be required to identify an environmental education change project at their workplace. The course will be structured around these change projects with a view to enhancing better learning and respond to educational challenges that participants are facing in facilitating NRM learning and practice.

How to Apply: 

Fax +27 (0)865 132 403 or +27 (0)33 330 4576.

Applicants should submit:

--Application form endorsed by applicant’s employer (as an indication that the employer supports the application)
--CV and copy of highest educational qualification
--motivation for attending the workshop
--statement of area of focus in NRM