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Found 1208 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Africa: The Challenge of Transformation, , London - UK, (1994)
African Heritage 2000: The Future of Protected Areas in Africa, , 11/10/1994, (1994)
An Assessment of Depredation By Lions And Other Predators In The Group Ranches Adjacent To Masai Mara National Reserve:, , (1994)
Can Wildlife Pay Its Way? :, , Volume Vol. 28, Issue No. 03, (1994)
Community - based conservation in Tanzania, , IUCN Species survival commission, Issue 15, Switzerland and Cambridge UK, (1994)
Dependency on Forests and Trees for Food Security ; A Pilot Study: Nanguruwe and Mbambakofi Villages Mtwara Region Tanzania, , Uppsala - Sweden., (1994)
Lost Outside the Wilderness, , (1994)
Management Zone Plan / Environmental Impact Assessment:, , (1994)
Natural Resource Management in Pastoral Africa, , (1994)
Property Concepts Herding patterns and Management of Natural Resources among the Ngorongoro and Salei Maasai of Tanzania, , (1994)
A stakeholders guide to community based natural resource tenure in southern Africa, , (1994)
Whose Eden ?, , (1994)
Wildlife Conservation Act 1974 - Wildlife Conservation (Ikorongo & Grumeti Game Reserves Declaration) Order - Government Notice 214 of 1994, , (1994) PDF icon E-URT_GOVERNMENT_NOTICE_214_of_1994_Wildlife_Conservation_Act_1974-Wildlife_Conservation_(Ikorongo_&_Grumeti_Game_Reserves_Declaration)_Order.pdf (22.24 KB)
Wildlife Conservation Act 1974 - Wildlife Conservation (Kijereshi Game Reserve Declaration) Order - Government Notice 215 of 1994, , (1994) PDF icon E-URT_GOVERNMENT_NOTICE_215_of_1994_Wildlife_Conservation_Act_1974-Wildlife_Conservation_(Kijereshi_Game_Reserve_Declaration)_Order.pdf (25.64 KB)
Working with Pastoralist NGO's and Land Conflicts in Tanzania, , Pastoral Land Tenure Series No. 07, 11/12/1994, (1994)
