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Found 1208 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
In Press
The Africa Commission Report: What about the Politics?, , (In Press)
Aid and Reform in Africa:, , (In Press)
Are Local Governments Managing Money Well?, , Dar es salaam, Tanzania, (In Press)
Assessment of Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Tanzania:, , (In Press)
Assessment of Sport Hunting in the Game Reserves in the Kagera Region of Tanzania, , (In Press)
Biodiversity Management in Rural Development, , Tanzania, (In Press)
The Bradley Fund for The Environment, , (In Press)
Building a Future With our Forests, , (In Press)
Chapter 7: Marketing Hunting and Photographic Conservation In Communal Areas:, , (In Press)
Chapter 8: Planning For Tourism Development: The Marketing Mix Approach - Basic Check List:, , (In Press)
Civil Society Law enforcement and forest Governance in Africa, , (In Press)
Community Based Natural Resource Management, , NAMIBIA, (In Press)
Community Benefits Through Wildlife Resources:, , (In Press)
Conservation of the Kilimanjaro ecosystem threatened by its own migration corridors, , Namanga - Kenya, (In Press)
Demokrasia katiba na wewe, , (In Press)
Demokrasia Katiba na Wewe:, , (In Press)
Do national Parks Have a Future in Africa?, , (In Press)
Dodoma Environmental Network - DONET, , Dodoma,Tanzania, (In Press)
The East African Sub-regional Project, , Volume 6, (In Press)
Effect of Burning and Herb ivory on an East African Savanna System:, , (In Press)
Entering the 21st Century World Development Report 1999/2000, , New York USA, (In Press)
Environment- Chapter 11:, , (In Press)
The Ethics of Hunting, , (In Press)
History Matters: Institutional Change and CBNRM in Sanga District Northern Mozambique:, , (In Press)
Human-Wildlife Conflict worldwide: collection of case studies, analysis of management strategies and good practices, , (In Press) PDF icon Human-Wildlife Conflict worldwide: collection of case studies, analysis of management strategies and good practices, Elisa Distefano (1.32 MB)
