Meeting of the Informal Discussion Group on the Environment

IDGE was a "multi-disciplinary, multi-organisational, broad-based discussion group interested in, and concerned about, current and pending national and international environmental and conservation issues. The group facilitate[d] dialogue in a balanced way to raise the profile of relevant issues" (see attached 2000 Profile).

IDGE has been open to interested individuals and organizations from all sectors in Tanzania, including government, civil society, development partners, academia, etc.

The IDGE has not been operational in several years. Based on demand from interested parties and past members, IUCN and partners are inviting you to participate in an effort to revitalize IDGE.


To get us started, and based on informal consultation with other forums and partners, we're proposing a first meeting of the "revitalized" IDGE regarding:

  • IDGE Governance (a short discussion on revitalization and next steps)
  • MKUKUTA Review - Environment and Climate Change components...

A proposed agenda and speaker list will be sent out shortly.

16 October 2009 - 1:00am