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From 15th to 20th October 2018, Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) through Land Governance and Accountability Project supported by Welthaus Graz and DKA both from Austria, conducted District Multstakeholder Forum meetings in Iringa Rural and Chemba districts. The Meetings brought on board district officers (land and legal officers), Ward Executive Officers, Village Executive Officers, Village chairpersons, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) such UMAKWA, Land Right Monitors (LRMs), Pastoralists and Farmers Loose coalition representatives, MBOMIPA Wildlife Management Area’s Chairman, Ward Tribunals’ members, Village land Councils’ members.

The meetings aimed at following on previous meeting resolutions including meeting conducted in September 2017. Therefore, the forum discussed broadly the issues, agree on resolutions and way forward on pertaining land governance and accountability at local level. TNRF established the two fora in 2015 with the purpose of strengthening dialogue among stakeholders through discussion and finding solutions regarding challenges over land tenure security, gender land rights and accountability.

Among others, issues deliberated included  

Conflict between Pastoralist and Farmers:  In Iringa this conflict has decreased compared to the previous time due to the enormous work done by the pastoralist and Farmers Loose coalition and village leaders who managed to influence formation of bylaws to govern mobility of livestock and how the two can work together for the benefit of all.  This has also controlled influx of livestock from other regions/ district into the areas.

Conflict between MBOMIPA Wildlife Management Area for Iringa. There has been a long-time boundary conflict between MBOMIPA and surrounding villages. Testimonies from Isele village, the village entered into discussion with MBOMIPA leadership for consultation in surveying the areas. To the surprise of the village leadership a team from the Ministry of Land started the survey without any notice. It was resolved a meeting between MBOMIPA and all stakeholders be convened at the District Commissioners office as soon as possible to discussed the matter for solution.

Boundary conflict between Swagaswaga Game Reserve and Handa village. This conflict has taken decades. Finally, the gover4nment decided to amend part of the boundary of the game reserve to give way for villagers who have stayed on the area for long time. The agreement was reached for the Ministry of Land and the Ministry responsible for tourism to harmonize game reserve boundary and give part of the land to villagers.      

