Strengthening dialogue and opportunities for knowledge and information sharing.
Promoting Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) as the focus for strengthening citizens voice in the forestry, rangelands, wildlife and fisheries thematic areas.
Climate Change
Communicating climate change as a cross cutting area of engagement through TNRF’s work.
TNRF’s mission is to bring together diverse stakeholders and improve communication and understanding between them to secure consensus and better management of natural resources so that people are able to make a living and the resources are protected and made sustainable.
The statement describes the evolution of the climate systems and outlook for the October to December, 2019 rainfall season, advisories and early warnings to various weather sensitive sectors including Agriculture..........Download here
Maajabu Unit
This unit aims to produce films that help communities share their voices and opinions on issues regarding governance of natural resources. View TNRF-Maajabu films here
Tanzanian policy makers have an opportunity to spearhead the implementation of the country’s industrialisation agenda through integrated and people-centered land-based investments.....Read More
Submitted by Website Officer on 7 February 2021 - 9:10pm
Through BMZ project, Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) intends to apply part of its budgetary allocation to strategically support operations of both Endumeit and MAKAO WMAs by improving infrastructure which is a key to address the challenges they are facing like human wildlife conflicts, poaching and diminished income flow to sustain the operations of the WMAs in the light of COVID 19 and climate change challenges.
Submitted by Website Officer on 2 February 2021 - 9:22pm
Tanzania Natural Resource Forum through BMZ project aim at using it's budget to buy 800 beehives to be distributed in each WMA and will employ modern technology in bee keeping including procurement of 800 beehives and their accessories its supporting equipment i.e. (Honey harvesting kit, Solar wax extractor, Candle making machine and Honey extractor) to be used as bee hive fences to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. Enduimet, Makao, Lake Natron and Ikona WMAs have intact woodlands which are rich in blossom, bee keeping and has for many years been a traditional livelihood support activity. However, honey production to a commercial level has been hampered by the traditional approaches employed by communities including use of poor hives and destructive honey harvesting methods such as use of fires which sometimes cause wild fires and destroy the grasslands and vegetation for livestock and wildlife.
Submitted by Website Officer on 25 January 2021 - 5:22pm
Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) intends to apply part of its budgetary allocation to fund eligible payments under the contract of the BMZ project to supply plastic tanks (per each WMA) in with capacity of 10,000 Litre each to harvest rainwater in Enduimet, and Lake Natron in Longido district, Makao WMA in Meatu District and Ikona WMA in Serengeti District for domestic use to increase the quantity of water for domestic use. It also intend to supply materials for constructing predator proof bomas in Enduimet, Ikona, Makao and Lake Natron WMAs to reduce human-wildlife conflicts caused by wildlife predators on livestock to communities and thus improve community livelihoods.