Strengthening dialogue and opportunities for knowledge and information sharing.
Promoting Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) as the focus for strengthening citizens voice in the forestry, rangelands, wildlife and fisheries thematic areas.
Climate Change
Communicating climate change as a cross cutting area of engagement through TNRF’s work.
TNRF’s mission is to bring together diverse stakeholders and improve communication and understanding between them to secure consensus and better management of natural resources so that people are able to make a living and the resources are protected and made sustainable.
The statement describes the evolution of the climate systems and outlook for the October to December, 2019 rainfall season, advisories and early warnings to various weather sensitive sectors including Agriculture..........Download here
Maajabu Unit
This unit aims to produce films that help communities share their voices and opinions on issues regarding governance of natural resources. View TNRF-Maajabu films here
Tanzanian policy makers have an opportunity to spearhead the implementation of the country’s industrialisation agenda through integrated and people-centered land-based investments.....Read More
The holistic approach to rangeland management is a key to improving grazing resources for pastoral communities in the rangelands of Tanzania. Most of the rangeland challenges are related to are invasive species dominating some of the secured grazing lands and tsetse flies in most of the potential rangeland. Participatory Rangeland Management (PRM) project coordinated by TNRF in Tanzania supported the pastoral communities to identify and implement strategic interventions to improve the productivity of rangelands.
Submitted by Website Officer on 7 November 2021 - 9:42pm
On the 10th and 11th of November, 2021 Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) will facilitate a dialogue about the current conflicting policy issues on Inclusive Conservation. The workshop will be held in Lindi at Sea View Hotel bringing together local communities (Women and Youth) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to present and discuss policy issues to be voiced to the policymakers. Natural Resource Management (NRM) policy gaps identified will be analyzed, documented, and presented to WWF Tanzania Country Office (WWF-TCO) for further actions by higher levels.
Submitted by Website Officer on 28 October 2021 - 8:10pm
Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) conducted a workshop that brought together the Indigenous knowledge groups, Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), and Researchers to share experiences on traditional weather forecasts both scientifically and traditionally. The one-day workshop took place at Flom Hotel in Morogoro on 18th October 2021 setting ground for a discussion on how the traditional forecast can be integrated into the TMA forecasting.
Tanzania Natural Resources Forum (TNRF) a National ICCA Catalyst organization of Global indigenous and Community Conserved Areas and Territories Initiatives (GSI-ICCAs) in collaboration with UNDP GEF Small Grant projects in Tanzania led the recruitment and awarding of 12 local NGOs for the GSI-ICCAs phase II. It is the implementation of several indigenous community-based conservation projects that will be implemented in various parts of Tanzania using UNDP Self- Strengthening Methodologies.