TNRF Library

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Found 1208 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Accountability is Political, Not Technical: Citizens' Government in Tanzania, , Dar es salaam, (2008)
African BioCarbon Background Document, , (2008) PDF icon E-INFO_BioCarbon_Background_Document.pdf (141.84 KB)
Agenda for 5th Meeting of National Forestry and Beekeeping SWAp Steering Committee February 2008, , (2008) PDF icon E-URT_NFBK_SWAP-Agenda_for_5th_NFBK_SWAp_Steering_Committee_Meeting_22_February_2008.pdf (22.15 KB)
Agenda for the Annual General Meeting 2007, , Arusha, (2008) PDF icon Agenda for TNRF Annual General Meeting 2007 (125.4 KB)
The Agrofuel Industry in Tanzania: A Critical Enquiry into Challenges and Opportunities, , (2008) PDF icon The Agrofuel Industry in Tanzania: A Critical Enquiry into Challenges and Opportunities (850.93 KB)
Agrofuels for Africa?, , (2008) PDF icon Agrofuels for Africa? (62.97 KB)
Ammended Schedule to the Wildlife Conservation Act Non-Consumptive Wildlife Use Regulations GN 196, , (2008) PDF icon Ammended Schedule to the Wildlife Conservation Act Non-Consumptive Wildlife Use Regulations GN 196, 27th August, 2008 (527.01 KB)
As The Fences Come Down: Emerging Concerns in Transfrontier Conservation Areas, , Wildlife Conservation Society, (2008)
Assessing links between marine resources and coastal peoples' livelihoods: perceptions from Tanga, Tanzania, , (2008) PDF icon E-INfor_CORDIO_Tanga report.pdf (497.95 KB)
An Assessment of the Potential for Carbon Finance in Rangelands, , (2008) PDF icon E-INFO-ICRAF_WP68_An_Assessment_of_the_Potential_for_Carbon_Finance_in_Rangelands_2008.pdf (1.6 MB)
Balancing Biodiversity Conservation and Tourism " A Vision for the Future of Tourism in the Serengeti Ecosystem", , TANAPA, FZS, (2008)
Basic Education,Civil Society Participation and the New AId Architecture: Lessons from Burkina fasp, , Dar es salaaam, (2008)
The Bioenergy and Food Security Project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, , (2008) PDF icon E-INFO-FAO-Bioenergy_and_Food_Security_Project_Rommert_Schramm_2008.ppt [Compatibility Mode].pdf (882.68 KB)
Biofuel land grabbing in Northern Ghana, , (2008) PDF icon Biofuel land grabbing in Northern Ghana (252.95 KB)
'Breakfast Debate' on the Wildlife Bill 2008, , (2008) PDF icon E-INFO-PF-Breakfast_Debate_on_Wildlife_Bill_2008_Oct2008.pdf (316.63 KB)
Budget Analysis and Policy Advocacy: The Role of Non-Governmental Public Action, , Dar es salaam, (2008)
Carbon, Communities, and Conservation: Developing a Framework for Generating Socioeconomic and Environmental Benefits using the Voluntary Carbon Market in Tanzania, , Tanzania Forestry Working Group, Arusha, (2008) PDF icon E-TNRF_TFWG_Carbon_Communities_and_Conservation_Rountable_14-03-08_Summary_Report.pdf (112 KB)
Carbon Finance in Rangelands: An Assessment of Potential in Communal Rangelands, , (2008) PDF icon E-WISP_Carbon_Finance_in_Rangelands_Assessment_2008.pdf (357.52 KB)
CIC Newsletter Issue 2 2008, , (2008) PDF icon E-INFO-CIC-Newsletter_Issue2-2008.pdf (602.05 KB)
Climate Change: Youth Call to Action for Environmental Sustainability, , (2008) PDF icon Climate Change: Youth Call to Action for Environmental Sustainability (219.11 KB)
Closing Year 2008 and Starting Year 2009, , (2008) PDF icon The Tanzania Forestry Working Group in 2008 (23.84 KB)
Cross-Sectoral Toolkit for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest Biodiversity, , (2008) PDF icon Cross-Sectoral Toolkit for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest Biodiversity (2.1 MB)
A Debate on the Wildlife Act 2008: Do Current Wildlife Conservation Policy and Law Address Economic and Livelihood Issues for All Tanzanians?, , (2008) PDF icon A Debate on the Wildlife Act 2008: Do Current Wildlife Conservation Policy and Law Address Economic and Livelihood Issues for All Tanzanians? (316.63 KB)
Decentralized Rural Electrification through SVOs Powered Multifunctional Platforms, Lessons and Experience from TaTEDO Pilot Project, , (2008) PDF icon E-INFO-TaTEDO_Decentralized_Rural_Electrification_through_SVOs_Powered_Multifunctional_Platforms_ENSawe_2008.pdf (306.95 KB)
Deep Sea Fishing Authority (Amendment) Act, 2008, , (2008) PDF icon Deep Sea Fishing Authority (Amendment) Act, 2008 (276.85 KB)
