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Found 1208 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Documentation of Ideas and Strategies Discussed at a Workshop Held in Bagamoyo in Operational zing the CBC Aspects of Wildlife Policy, , Issue No. 12, (1999)
Foreign aid grassroots participation and poverty alleviation in Tanzania: the hesawa fiasco, , Volume no.00.1, Dar es Salaam Tanzania, (1999)
Four Years After The Cites Ban: Illegal Killing of Elephants Ivoery Trade and Stockpiles:, , (1999)
Governance and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, , Volume 13, Issue 03, p.41-66, (1999)
Granting Hunting Blocks in Tanzania: The Need for Reform, , September 1999, Dar es Salaam - Tanzania, p.15, (1999) Microsoft Office document icon E-INFO_LEAT_Nshala.R_1999_Granting_Hunting_Blocks_in_Tanzania-The_Need_for_Reform.doc (0 bytes)
How "Community is Community Based Natural Resource Management: Theory Rhetoric and Reality, , 23/11/1999, (1999)
The Impact of Wildlife-Related Benefits on the Conservation Attitudes of Local People Around the Selous Game Reserve Tanzania:, , 06/07/1999, Volume Vol. 26, Issue No. 03, p.218-228, (1999)
Land Act 1999, , (1999) PDF icon E-URT_LAWS_Land_Act_1999.pdf (1.23 MB)
Livestock to 2020: The Next Food Revolution, , (1999) PDF icon Livestock to 2020: The Next Food Revolution (687.33 KB)
Local Government Laws Amendment Act 1999, , (1999) PDF icon E-URT_LAWS_Local_Government_Laws_Amendment_Act_1999.pdf (334.99 KB)
Master Plan for the Tourism Development, , Monduli District Council, October 1999, p.66, (1999)
Master plan for tourism development: Monduli district Tanzania, , (1999)
National Conference on Community Based Natural Resource Management in Botswana:, , 26/07/1999, (1999)
National Tourism Policy, , Dar es Salaam- Tanzania, (1999)
National Tourism Policy 1999, , (1999) PDF icon E-URT_POLICIES_National_Tourism_Policy_1999.pdf (2.61 MB)
Proceedings of MAKAO Proposed Wildlife Management Area ( W M A ):, , 08/06/1999, (1999)
Rangeland Resource in Eastern Africa: Their ecology and development, , 31/08/1999, Nairobi - Kenya, (1999)
Rapid Survey Report of Mountains Longido and Monduli Forest Reserve Biodiversity Profile:, , (1999)
South West Mau Forest Community Workshop ARC Egerton University Njoro-Nakuru- 26 & 27 July 1999: SCF - Office, , Issue 9, (1999)
Swara, , (1999)
Village Land Act No. 5, , Dar es Salaam, (1999) PDF icon E-URT_Village_Land_Act_No5_1999.pdf (476.74 KB)
Wildlife Corridors And Buffer Zones In Tanzania: Political Willpower and Wildlife Management in Tanzania, , April 1999, p.10, (1999) PDF icon Wildlife Corridors And Buffer Zones In Tanzania: Political Willpower and Wildlife Management in Tanzania (60.45 KB)
