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Uzoefu wa jamii katika Uhifadhi wa Maliasili na Migogoro ya Ardhi katika Kijiji cha Soitsambu - Loliondo, , PINGO"s Forum, (2006)
Utengenezaji wa chokaa kwa kutumia mawe chokaa ya nchi kavu, , (2005)
Utawala wa kidemokrasia katika jamii : Ushiriki wa wananchi katika serikali za mitaa (vitongoji vijiji/mitaa na kata ), , (2005)
Utawala wa kidemokrasia katika jamii : Majukumu ya viongozi wa serikali za mitaa (vitongoji vijiji/mitaa na kata), , (2005)
Using Conceptual Models to Set Conservation Priorities, , Number 5, (2002)
Usefulness of Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys and other Survey Methods for Legal Sector Monitoring in Tanzania, , Dar es salaam, (2008)
Usefulness of Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys and other Survey Methods for Legal Sector Monitoring in Tanzania, , Dar es salaam, (2008)
Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases Through Emissions from Land Use Change, , Science Express, (2008) PDF icon Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels Increases Greenhouse Gases Through Emissions from Land Use Change (102.99 KB)PDF icon Accompanying materials (figures, etc.) (474.72 KB)
USAID/Tanzania SO2 E/NRM Program, , 01/06/2003, (2003)
Updates on the Value Chain Analysis of the Pastoralist Economy - September 2009, , (2009) PDF icon E-TNRF-PLTF_VCA_Research_Update_Sept_2009.pdf (8.93 KB)
Update on Lake Natron Soda Ash Project 30th April 2008, , (2008) PDF icon E-INFO_Update_on_Lake_Natron_Sod_Ash_Project_30-04-08.pdf (167.12 KB)
Upatikanaji Wa Taarifa Tanzania Bado Ni Changamoto / Access To Information In Tanzania: Still A Challenge, , (2005)
