Equitable and Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project (ESNRMP)
Equitable and Sustainable Natural Resource Management is a nine-month project (commencing on July, 2019-March, 2020),funded by Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) and implemented by Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) under Land Based Investment department at Longido district in four wards, namely; Tingatinga, Olmolog, Elerai and Ildonyo.
The increase in conflicts over natural resource use, access, ownership and control in the pastoral and agro pastoralist communities in northern Tanzania is due to weak and dormant platforms to facilitate open dialogues among stakeholders, inadequate coordination of efforts among government institutions and other actors, conflict of laws on natural resource management and governance and inadequate knowledge on natural resource laws among stakeholders has led to improper management of natural resources and conflicts over natural resources use and control among the communities.
The overall objective of the project is to create peace and harmony on natural resource utilization among various groups in the community for sustainable socio-economic development. This will be archived by facilitating dialogues among stakeholders in the project area to provide a peaceful environment on conflict resolution, building the capacity of community members to sustainably utilize their natural resources through identification and development of management plans for the available natural resources to ensure their sustainability.