Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) in collaboration with World Wide Fund (WWF) convened a meeting that brought together members of the Tanzania Forest Working Group (TFWG) and other forest-related Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar to dialogue on issues regarding key governance and management of forest resources. The meeting was held in Morogoro, from 21st - 23rd September 2022 and provided a platform for sharing knowledge and strengthening CSOs understanding of forest issues by building on previous discussions held by TFWG. It also served as an opportunity for non-TFWG members that attended the meeting to learn more about the network and sign up for the membership.

The meeting intended to collect views and analyze key forest governance issues in Tanzania that needs immediate attention by the government with the aim of facilitating CSOs engagement in policy dialogue regarding the management of forest resources in Tanzania. The meeting was attended by CSOS from Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar, including members of the Tanzania Forestry working Group and forestry actors from Zanzibar where they raised issues, and documented and presented to key sectorial Ministries of Government on the third day of the meeting. The Ministries that participated include the Ministry of Natural Resource and Tourism, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Department of Forest (Zanzibar), the Vice President Office (VPO), and the President Office - Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG).

In a participatory manner, participants shared experiences and identify key issues featured to affect forestry governance and forestry landscape restoration  that need the Government’s attention to improve forest governance in Tanzania as highlighted below,

  1. Review of government taxes, levies, and royalties associated with the business of forest products.
  2. Strengthen/establish private sector engagement platforms for forest products.
  3. Alignment of policies and regulations across sectoral ministries.
  4. Promote effective joint Land Use Plans.
  5. Increased involvement of Key Stakeholders in the development of rules and regulations. These include communities, CSOs, NGOs, and the private sector.
  6. Establishment of innovative and sustainable alternative sources of income.
  7. Establishment of multi-sectoral platforms for coordination.
Forestry Working Group: 