(F) Background

Kids on logs

TRAFFICTFCG - Tanzania Forest Conservation GroupTAF - Taznzanian Association of ForestersMpingo Conservation ProjectFarm AfricaPolicy ForumWCST - Wildlife Conservation Society of TanzaniaAfricareWWF - Worldwide Fund for NatureICRAF - International Centre for AgroforestryWCS - Wildlife Conservation Society IUCN - International Conservation Union


The Tanzania Forestry Working Group (TFWG), has been meeting regularly since August 2005. The TFWG, was formed to address advocacy and awareness raising on critical forest management and governance issues. The TFWG is supported and facilitated by TNRF, but depends on the members of the group to set the agenda and carry out activities.

Members of the group are all involved in forest management issues, either as an organisation or as individuals interested in forest management in Tanzania. The FWG meets once every two months. The FWG has identified illegal logging and participatory forest management as key issues within the forestry sector that most urgently need cohesive civil society attention in terms of advocacy and awareness raising.
The first task of the Group was to initiate a campaign for the creation of an independent monitoring programme to assess forest harvesting rates and to curb illegal logging. Shortly thereafter, the donor community began a programme to create an independent monitoring programme and plans were laid for members of the FWG to contribute to and support that process.

The second task of the Group has been to provide support to the scaling up of participatory forest management (PFM) in Tanzania by consolidating current practices and working to address some of the key challenges for PFM in the country. So far, the FWG has provided a forum for PFM stakeholders to come together and share information, to identify issues of concern and to devise collaborative, innovative solutions to the challenges of scaling up PFM.

The FWG is currently undertaking a strategic review of its work in order to enable the Group become far more effective and to address current limitations in its human and financial resources.

If you would like to learn more about FWG's work, please email c.sianga@tnrf.org
